Hi! I'm Cam and this is my story.


The year was 2009. I turned 40 that January and my life was a mess. 

At work, there was a lot of turmoil between the church and the school where I taught. The joy of teaching had slipped away. 

At home, it was even worse. My marriage was showing huge cracks of irreparable damage. Getting on the other side of an affair was challenging work.

Is this what midlife is all about? Is this what I signed up for?

I was at rock bottom. 

In 2009, I was a shell of my former younger self. My confidence was shot. I didn’t know who I was or what I believed anymore. 

As 41 rolled around, I discovered CrossFit, a form of functional fitness in a group setting.

I learned to move my body on purpose. I knew what it was like to be supported by like-minded people. I began to rediscover my confidence. I stood taller.

And I found my voice again.

During the past 12 years, I experienced so many midlife transitions. 

I quit my teaching job, got divorced, changed careers, bought a house, moved 3 times, started dating again, became an empty nester, had a hysterectomy (Hello, menopause!), and got REMARRIED!

That’s a whole lot of stressful life events. 

But also during this time, I learned. I grew as a woman, mom, friend, and athlete. 

I learned to use food as fuel. I learned to use exercise for stress relief. I learned to use my voice.

And most importantly, I learned to trust myself again.   

At age 49 and a week after my hysterectomy, I went back to school.

I spent the rest of 2019 healing myself and studying to be a health coach specializing in hormone health.

All this experience and knowledge needed a home. And I knew I needed to share what I learned with others.

So I took a leap of faith and started Hey Momma in the summer of 2019.

Midlife has so many transitions… Empty Nester. Divorce. Changing hormones. Among other things.

I’ve been there. I know what it is like. I can help you navigate midlife.

Using health coaching, I help women learn to listen to their bodies. My clients know to fuel themselves with nutritious food, a positive mindset, and movement that brings confidence. 

I help midlife women rediscover themselves.

Welcome to midlife and Hey Momma Wellness!

xo, Cam

Credentials: Training Others Since 2010


  • Level 1 Trainer
  • Level 2 Trainer
  • Mobility
  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Mobility

Institute of Integrated Nutrition:

  • Integrated Nutrition Health Coach
  • Hormone Specialist

Metabolism School Certifications with Dr. Jade Teta:

  • The Metabolic Female
  • Advanced Metabolism and Female Hormones
  • Foundations of Metabolism

Functional Nutrition and Metabolism Specialists with Sam Miller (in progress)

Additional Trainings:

  • Body Awareness Project-Adrenals Course
  • Body Awareness Project-Skin Course
  • Body Awareness Project- Gut Course
  • Gut Health 101: Demystifying Digestion with Sam Miller
  • Biofeedback Bootcamp with Sam Miller
  • Spirit Junkie Masterclass with Gabby Bernstein
  • Holistic Hormone Workshop with Dr. Afrouz Demeri